Good luck Steve!
29th November 2021
Steve Jennings’ (former Partner) last day with 3Keel was 26 November 2021. Steve was with 3Keel for just over seven years and played a significant role in our transition from being a start-up with just three members of staff to where we are today. Steve’s work on sustainable commodities in particular have helped establish 3Keel as a major actor in that field.
Steve played a significant role in raising the profile and impact of 3Keel, through projects such as the ‘Risky Business’ series of reports, recent work on the ‘flexitarian transition’, the analysis of the forthcoming due diligence regulation on deforestation, and the UK’s global footprint. He also continued his strong interest in social inequality and the food system, through work on business structures that favour producers and analysis of what allows remote communities to recover more quickly after disasters. He played a leading role in innovation, such as the ForestMind consortium, which is developing a satellite enabled supply chain deforestation monitoring service.
Steve will continue work independently on some of his interests in sustainability, and we wish him all the best in that.