Cat Wallis
Principal Consultant
Cat Wallis is a Principal Consultant with 3Keel’s Agriculture and Landscapes business unit. As part of her role, she oversees the development of the MRV function of LENs, whereby environmental and social outcomes of LENs activities are measured, verified and reported to relevant LENs funders and farmers with high integrity and usefulness. This involves strategy and team development, setting up governance and data management processes, review and vetting of measurement methodologies, developing LENs MRV protocols and regular coordination with a high range of stakeholders – from internal team members to LENs clients, service providers, producer organisations and farmers.
Prior to joining 3Keel, Cat Wallis worked for 20 years in the international development sector contributing to climate resilience, sustainable food systems and biodiversity conservation projects for the benefit of communities, SMEs and national governments. Her expertise spans policy, strategy and stakeholder engagement in over 30 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Indian Ocean.